On Independence Day, King Sihamoni Calls for Unity

King Norodom Sihamoni used a speech during celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of Cambodia’s independence from France on Saturday to call for unity amid growing concerns over the long-term harmony of the nation since July’s disputed national election. Government officials, military officers and foreign diplomats turned out to a ceremony, which opened at Independence Monument at 7 a.m. and closed two hours later at the Royal Palace, to commemorate then-King Norodom Sihanouk’s 1953 declaration of independence from French colonial control. … “On this occasion, I would like to call for the Cambodian people to be united under the umbrella of constitutional and state law in a bid to defend and build the country in all kinds of fields,” the King said. … “It’s based on unity, on an environment of peace and political stability that aims to develop all sectors—especially the economic sector, which is the breath of our nation,” King Sihamoni said. … The country has been locked in a political impasse since the ruling CPP’s 68 elected lawmakers convened the National Assembly in September and formed a new government in the absence of the opposition CNRP, which is boycotting parliament on the grounds that results from the election were fraudulent. The CNRP has vowed to continue demonstrating until the CPP government agrees to an independent investigation of the ballot or to a host of political reforms, including reform of the National Election Committee. … “The fifth mandate of the Royal Government of Cambodia—which has just recently been born through a free, fair and accurate ballot of the Cambodian people’s views on July 28, 2013—is committed to continue King Father [Sihanouk]’s achievements through further development by conducting deep reforms,” Mr. Hun Sen said. …

Mech Dara and Alex Willemyns